Managing Partners
frankfurter gruppe | corporate development
We are three Managing Partners and work in a stable and trustful team with 10-12 Associated Partners.
Neil Hatton
Neil is expert for international Change- and cooperation projects
From 2006-2012 a senior organisational development and change management consultant for the GIZ based in Eschborn. Responsible for direct consulting in selected international projects, the development and implementation of change management tools and instruments for GIZ projects (including Capacity WORKS and capacity assessment), as well as training of senior managers in strategy and change management.
Kirsten Meynerts-Stiller
In 1998 Kirsten founded frankfurter gruppe. Since then, she consulted and supported many corporations in realizing demanding and complex change processes. She works on strategic, structure and process levels in a systemic combination with change dynamics and leadership issues.
Andreas Peteranderl
Associate Partner
Andreas is systemic consultant for change managemen, Coach for Leadership Development and Group Dynamics, DGGO
Dr. Christoph Rohloff
Christoph is consulting organizations on how to sucessfully realize complex change and transition. His focus is on risk-based analyses, management systems and post merger integration.
Since 2009 Christoph is also teaching management courses at the European Business School