Managing Partners

frankfurter gruppe | corporate development

We are three Managing Partners and work in a stable and trustful team with 10-12 Associated Partners.

Neil Hatton

Neil is expert for international Change- and cooperation projects

From 2006-2012 a senior or­gan­i­sa­tion­al de­vel­op­ment and change man­age­ment con­sul­tant for the GIZ based in Eschborn. Re­spon­si­ble for direct con­sult­ing in selected in­ter­na­tion­al projects, the de­vel­op­ment and im­ple­men­ta­tion of change man­age­ment tools and in­stru­ments for GIZ projects (including Capacity WORKS and capacity as­sess­ment), as well as training of senior managers in strategy and change man­age­ment.

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Neil Hatton
Kirsten Meynerts Stiller

Kirsten Meynerts-Stiller

In 1998 Kirsten founded frank­furter gruppe. Since then, she consulted and supported many cor­po­ra­tions in realizing demanding and complex change processes. She works on strategic, structure and process levels in a systemic com­bi­na­tion with change dynamics and lead­er­ship issues.

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Andreas Pe­terand­erl

Associate Partner

Andreas is systemic consultant for change managemen, Coach for Leadership Development and Group Dynamics, DGGO

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Andreas Pe­terand­erl
Dr. Christoph Rohloff

Dr. Christoph Rohloff

Christoph is consulting organizations on how to sucessfully realize complex change and transition. His focus is on risk-based analyses, management systems and post merger integration.
Since 2009 Christoph is also teaching management courses at the European Business School

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