Dr. Andreas Amann
Managing Partner
Dr. Amann is a specialist in designing architectures and processes that allow for transparency and clarification, deliberation and reflection.
Curiosity, humour, diligence and straightness are essential to these designs and their implementation. The treasure of philosophy and fifteen years of experience in social science and research have influenced his current work on the presence and future of organizations.
Whenever people start to explore themselves in the context of their organization, there is an emerging potential for change, that is fascinating in its powerfulness. The use of this power for the development of people and organizations is central to his consulting work and trainings.
Working languages: German (native), English (fluent)
- Systemic organizational consulting (Management Center Vorarlberg)
- Solutions-oriented consulting (Steve de Shazer, Insoo Kim Berg)
- Group analysis (IGA, Heidelberg)
- Trainer for group dynamics (DAGG/DGGO)
- Large group events (Achtnich Ass., Zürich)
- Organizational constellations (Gunthard Weber)
Professional CV
- Studies in philosophy, sociology and Islam in Freiburg, Damascus, Grenoble, Frankfurt, Ph.D. thesis on group dynamics
- 1988 – 1990 Senior research fellow with Prof. Habermas
- 1993 – 2001 Director Organizational and People Development at Diocese Rottenburg-Stuttgart
- Since 2001 freelance consulting in Austria, Germany and Switzerland
- Organizational Consultant, trainer, learning coach for leadership development programmes, lecturer, coach
- Since 2009: Partner frankfurter gruppe Unternehmensentwicklung
Expertise & focus
- Leadership development programs
- Self-organizing leadership development
- Team development
- Coaching
- Designs and implementation of processes of Organizational Learning
- Diagnosis of teams, systems and organizations
- Cultural due diligence
- Systems theory and systemic consulting
- Der Prozess des Diagnostizierens. Wie untersuche ich eine Gruppe? In: Alles über Gruppen. Hg. von Cornelia Edding und Karl Schattenhofer, München, 2009.
- Der Zukunft auf der Spur. Wie Zukunftsbilder das Handeln in Organisationen prägen. In: Aufgabe Zukunft. Versäumen, planen, ermöglichen. Hg. von C. Mandl und K. Sohm, Zürich, 2006.
- Wer denkt, lebt in der Zukunft. In: Aufgabe Zukunft. Versäumen, planen, ermöglichen. In: Aufgabe Zukunft. Versäumen, planen, ermöglichen. Hg. von C. Mandl und K. Sohm, Zürich, 2006.
- Gruppenprozesse verstehen. Zusammen mit Klaus Antons u.a., Opladen, 2001