Our publications
We are constantly learning from our experiences in organizations. From these learnings, we continuously develop and refine our apporaches and formates to drive change even more intelligently.
We capture the essence of these experiences and learnings in articles and books, depending on the time that is left for writing at the end of a long week …
Please find below some of our recent publications, some are written in German, some in English
New book: Post-Merger Management: Value Creation in M&A Integration Projects
Companies acquire and merge to generate accelerated value growth. But merger integrations pose an enormous challenge to organisations: they are fraught with over-inflated expectations of making rapid synergy gains, laden with pitfalls inherent to complex organisational change, charged with emotion and are often influenced by socio-psychological dynamics. This complicated situation poses risks, and it is no surprise that many merger integrations turn out to be botched jobs.
This book pools the current know-how, and closes important knowledge gaps, to offer hands-on advice and practical answers to the many ‘how to’ questions relating to merger implementation. It also explains the broader M&A context in which integration projects are rooted, providing a crucially important understanding of how to assess the chances of realising synergy potential and evaluate integration risks. The book demonstrates how integration can succeed and provides a candid overview of everything that needs to be done to navigate one of the most challenging areas of entrepreneurial activity.
Business integration managers should view this as a vital instruction manual containing the essentials for the successful organisation of merger integration projects. The book guides PMI-managers through all the relevant fields of action to ensure a successful merger which forms a functioning and profitable business
Book: Post Merger Management, published by Schäffer & Poeschel
Companies acquire and merge to generate accelerated value growth.Yet, many deals fail during the integration phase.
Our new book “Post Merger Management” gives hands-on advice and practical insights for a successful merger integration project.
Mergers & Acquisitions: Success factors for SMEs
More and more SME use M&A as a strategic means of accelerated market growth and innovation speed. Yet, SMEs need specific framework conditions to master the challenges and risks of M&A and, even more difficult, the post-closing integration.
This book offers a SME-specific M&A and integration model and elaborates on how M&A can become a full success.
Kirsten Meynerts-Stiller and Christoph Rohloff have edited the part on Post Merger Integration and contributed an article on PMI-Management.

Polka or Parker? What Management Could Learn About Smart Implementation from Music
Neil Hatton, author and managing partner at frankfurter gruppe discusses the implications of a systems perspective in organizations and for their management. He also explains the rationale and the design of Capacity WORKS in more detail and highlights implementation challenges from an organizational development perspective.

Managing Partner and author Neil Hatton explores the intricate organisational challenges of development cooperation projects. He offers an insightful analytical frame and gives hands-on advice for project managers in complex and demanding cooperative settings.
Citation: Hatton, Neil: Managing the Unmanageable – the Organisational Challenge of Development Cooperation Projects, in: Sarah Frenken, Ulrich Müller (eds.)Ownership and Political Steering in Developing Countries, 2010, p. 84-96

“Just buying is not enough” (in German)
This article by Christoph Rohloff and Kirsten Meynerts-Stiller focusses on risk- and success-factors in integration projects and gives specific advice to entrepreneurs in mid-sized and smaller corprorates.
“New paths in post merger integration” (in German)
This article by Christoph Rohloff and Kirsten Meynerts-Stiller freports on an innovative approach to merger integration by focussing on common process alignment and optimzation as a means to grow closer and get a better mutual understanding between staff of newCo and oldCo.
“Merger Integration Management as a meta competence” (in German)
This article explores post merger integration in mid-sized companies and the specifics in smaller acquisitions and integration projects, especially in up-front competence-build-up for key employees and management.