We are …
… a partner-led management consulting firm for corporate development. In over 100 projects since 1998, we have delivered on complex and challenging change projects across industries and sectors.
Our central objective in consulting work is to enable a sustaining corporate development process by building intelligent organizational projects and fostering a lasting competence transfer.
We are Strategic Partner of GPMIP – Global PMI Network – to ensure globale presence in international and crossborder integration and transformation projects.
Your benefit
In your change projects, we support and consult on multiple fields of action – in parallel and well-cordinated. Thus, we can effectfully relate and correspond to the dynamic and complex nature of organizational change processes.
Based on a systemic understanding of organizational reality, long consulting experience and personal management practice, we truly think business and people as one.
You can expect from us
We go with you all the way through the design and execution of your transformation or integration project. How do we do it? Experience and excellence in professional implementation of change projects specifically designed to meet your challenges and expectations.
Companies call us for strategy development and execution, reorganization projects, process optimization, merger integrations and large scale leadership development programmes. frankfurt corporate development group is first choice for corporate development.
Dynamic Change Design

Leadership Development

Digital transformation & agility

The decisive difference among agile companies in the digital age will be their respective speed, flexibility and customer-orientation on staff and leadership level alike to respond to customer dynamics and needs.
Post Merger Integration


Intl. Cooperation

Our new publication
Post Merger Management
Our new book “Post Merger Management” gives hands-on advice and practical insights for a successful merger integration project.
From the table of contents
- Getting the integration process in focus
- Planning and implementation
- Merger potentials and success factors
- Risk and traps throughout the integration process
- Practical tools and insights
- Numerous examples from real cases
- Best-Practice-examples
- Tools & check lists
Explore selected reports from our client projects ..
Read more …
Certificate program
Merger Integration Management
Join this successful 3-module certificate program on “Merger Intergation Management”.
The program is designed for general managers and project managers who will be in charge of a complex and demanding integration challenge. You will learn how to do it right – planning, methods, blueprint, playbook, Day 1, implementation and synergy realization …
Participants will earn the University Certificate “Merger Integration Professional”.
Kirsten Meynerts-Stiller
Dr. Christoph Rohloff
frankfurter gruppe |
corporate development
Körnerstr. 9, 63263 Neu-Isenburg
Fon +49 6102 – 202366 0
Fax +49 6102 – 202366 4
Email: office@frankfurter-gruppe.de
New book on Post-Merger Integration
New book: Post-Merger Management: Value Creation in M&A Integration Projects Companies acquire and merge to generate accelerated value growth. But merger integrations pose an enormous challenge to organisations: they are fraught with over-inflated expectations of...
Getting started with post-merger integration
Getting started with post-merger integrationRead our new publication in FM Financial Management magazine on Post-Merger success factors incl. quotes from IMAA, Capstone and frankfurter gruppe. Get key insights and many how-to's ... Click here to read!
frankfurter gruppe joins GPMIP – Global PMI Partners Network
frankfurter gruppe is proud to become strategic partner of GPMIP – the Global PMI Network. By this, we can offer global PMI services for our German and European clients. GPMIP is a strong and growing network of senior advisors in the field of post merger integration....
Award: Best Merger Integration Management Consultancy 2018 – Germany
frankfurter gruppe wins the Global Excellence Award for "Best Merger Integration Consultancy 2018 - Germany". "We are proud to be honoured by Acquisition International, one of the leading international expert journals on M&A" says Christoph Rohloff, Managing...
Mergers & Acquisitions: Success factors for SMEs
More and more SME use M&A as a strategic means of accelerated market growth and innovation speed. Yet, SMEs need specific framework conditions to master the challenges and risks of M&A and, even more difficult, the post-closing integration. This...
The Topographics of Management
Neil Hatton, author and managing partner at frankfurter gruppe explores the management landscape in triangular cooperation processes and puts it in perspective to GIZ's management system "Capacity WORKS". For a copy, please contact our offce at...
Polka or Parker? What Management Could Learn About Smart Implementation from Music
Neil Hatton, author and managing partner at frankfurter gruppe discusses the implications of a systems perspective in organizations and for their management. He also explains the rationale and the design of Capacity WORKS in more detail and highlights implementation...
Managing the Unmanageable – the Organisational Challenge of Development Cooperation Projects
Managing Partner and author Neil Hatton explores the intricate organisational challenges of development cooperation projects. He offers an insightful analytical frame and gives hands-on advice for project managers in complex and demanding cooperative settings....