Our values and approach

Consulting approach

Our consultancy is not prescriptive but takes place together with our clients in close and trusting cooperation in which both sides contribute equitably to the resolution of problems:
Informed, sustainable, practical and absolutely transparent.

Our value proposition


All partners have personal business man­age­ment and lead­er­ship ex­pe­ri­ence. We consult on senior and executive level with a minimum of ten years of con­sult­ing ex­pe­ri­ence.


We are pas­sion­ate and energetic about con­sult­ing. We respect and ap­pre­ci­ate our and your re­stric­tions and po­ten­tials. We invest in both, in­tel­lec­tu­al and emphatic/emotional con­sult­ing com­pe­tence.


Your goals and ex­pec­ta­tions frame the contract. We dili­gent­ly and patiently clarify the contract. Each process is customer designed and any in­stru­ments are hand-​se­lect­ed..


We create leverageby aligning business challenges with human needs.


We seek mutual trans­paren­cy es­pe­cial­ly with regard to type, effect and com­pre­hen­sive­ness of our in­ter­ven­tions and in­stru­ments. We propose par­tic­i­pa­tive processes and con­struc­tive uti­liza­tion of available resources and po­ten­tials.


We promote and safeguard adherence to our quality standards by collegial and external su­per­vi­sion, continued personal and me­thod­i­cal de­vel­op­ment and training, pro­fes­sion­al net­work­ing and standard setting.

In most mandates, we recommend the presence of two partners.

In consulting, we always aim at making the best of you and your organization visible and effective.

Our competencies

We believe that organisations are complex systems that are an interaction between business demands on the one hand and human needs on the other.

On the basis of a common understanding of consultancy and as a group of individuals from diverse backgrounds and with distinct qualifications, we as the frankfurter gruppe | corporate development group support organisations and companies holistically over the whole spectrum of activities from strategy development to implementation.

frankfurter gruppe | corporate development helps its clients to find the right balance between business demands and staff needs in order to increase the sustainability of success in change processes.

We do this through informed and well-grounded process skills, a high level of methodological and professional abilities, as well as complete commitment on the basis of diverse and long-term consultancy experience.

frankfurter gruppe | corporate development works together with our clients to produce joint
– implementation-oriented and tailor-made solutions in order that
– conceptual thinking leads to results’-oriented action.

Get in contact

Kirsten Meynerts-Stiller
Managing Partner

Fon: +49 6102 202366 0
Email: office@frank­fur­ter-grup­pe.de

Methods, formats & instruments


Man­age­ment, tools, processes & systems

Useful man­age­ment tools that we fre­quent­ly apply are balanced score-​card, strategy, business process and portfolio analysis and 360°analysis.

Formal man­age­ment processes and systems that we consult and in­tro-​duce in or­ga­ni­za­tions are formal risk man­age­ment, project man­age-​ment (Prince II), quality man­age­ment, EFQM, DIN ISO), HR process analysis, personnel risk man­age­ment and retention man­age­ment, conflict man­age­ment as well as com­pe­tence man­age­ment

Or­ga­ni­za­tion­al de­vel­op­ment

Our ap­proach­es to develop or­ga­ni­za­tions are based on a systemic un­der­stand­ing of systems. We observe and derive plausible hy­pothe­ses on the situation and on mean­ing­ful in­ter­ven­tions. We intervene and evaluate the effects with regard to val­ue-​cre­ation.

With (larger) groups we use formats and methods like world cafe, fish bowl, real time strategic change, future change, future con­fer­ences, scenario building, open space and ap­pre­cia­tive inquiry.

Typical small group formats are work­shop-​based team de­vel­op­ments, lead­er­ship seminars as well as conflict in­ter­ven­tions or mediation.

Di­ag­nos­tics & personnel de­vel­op­ment

We provide per­son­al­i­ty-​ and team diagnosis as well as com­pe­tence testing and de­vel­op­ment with sci­en­tif­i­cal­ly validated in­stru­ments and methods like MBTI, Belbin and KODE/X.

We support personnel de­vel­op­ment i.e. by personal (career) coaching, su­per­vi­sion and feed­back-​dis­cus­sions.

Training & seminars

Con­sult­ing and qual­i­fy­ing are two sides of the same token. We qualify staff, man­age­ment and ex­ec­u­tives in all fields of expertise. In addition, we offer in­te­grat­ed lead­er­ship de­vel­op­ment programs, com­pe­tence, conflict and risk man­age­ment seminars and train selected senior staff in specific merger com­pe­tences.